About 125 community members attended an ADL program on Anti-Semitism in Europe at Shomrei Torah Synagogue in West Hills on February 5. The program was a panel discussion with Consuls General from Austria, France and Hungary and the Head of Social Affairs for the Consulate General of Germany. A focal point was ADL’s 2012 Poll of Attitudes in European Countries, which found that anti-Semitic attitudes in Europe remain at “disturbingly high levels.” Diplomats from these countries spoke at two previous ADL programs on this topic.
During the discussion, moderated by Associate Regional Director Matthew Friedman, each Consul discussed problems in their home countries and what is being done to combat this scourge. The diplomats affirmed their countries’ commitment to fighting anti-Semitism and to supporting the two-state solution. A concern was raised that internet and satellite television coverage of the Middle East conflict is fueling anti-Semitism in parts of Europe, with particular repercussions in France.
The panel also discussed the announcement that day that the Bulgarian government had released findings implicating Hezbollah in the July 2012 terrorist attack against Israeli tourists. The next day, ADL issued a statement to European Foreign Ministers: Designate Hezbollah Now.
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