ADL Supporters Attend “Insiders Briefing” on Iran

  • November 13, 2013

Pictured:  Susan Heller Pinto, Planned Giving Chair Harvey Prince and Regional Board Chair Seth M. Gerber.


A combined meeting of the Executive Committee and Legacy and Centennial Campaign donors was held at the ADL office on November 12.  Susan Heller Pinto, ADL’s Director of Middle Eastern Affairs and International Analysis, gave an Insiders Briefing to more than 60 ADL supporters who attended this exclusive luncheon.

Heller Pinto explained that she always likes to leave her speaking engagement topics vague in advance because of the ever-changing situation in the Middle East.  Once she was here, she announced the topic as “Iran, Iran, Iran.”   She explained that the entire international community sees a nuclear-armed Iran as a threat, and that Israel, in particular, sees it as an “existential threat.”

She summarized what has led up to the current international talks:  “Sanctions have brought Iran to the negotiating table.”  She explained that sanctions have had a huge impact on life in Iran and the new President was elected to improve the economy.

Heller Pinto also discussed ADL’s recent criticism of U.S. policy on Iran and calls for additional sanctions.

She reminded the audience of the recent ADL Survey of the American public that found strong support for Israel, but uncertainty over the best way to proceed regarding Iran’s efforts to develop a nuclear bomb.

At the same time, the poll showed there is little trust of Iran among the American people.  Eighty-one percent (81%) said they could not trust Iran when it says it will not develop nuclear weapons; and 74 percent said that they did not believe Iran will abide by its public commitment not to develop nuclear weapons.