An Islamic Affairs Analyst from the Center on Extremism in ADL’s National headquarters was in the region to give presentations to community groups and law enforcement.
Special Report: What the Iranian Government is Telling Its Own People about America, Israel and Jews, co-sponsored with 30 Years After, an organization that promotes civic engagement by Iranian-American Jews, was attended by a capacity crowd at the ADL office on January 9.
The analyst, who goes by “Danny” to protect his identity, is fluent in Farsi, Arabic and Hebrew in addition to English. He explained how ADL monitors, analyzes and exposes anti-Semitic and anti-American websites, social media and Friday sermons. This results in reports such as Press TV, Iran’s government-run English language satellite news network that promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in English to a worldwide audience.
Danny gave as an example a recent Press TV interview that promoted the theory that Israel is behind the Sandy Hook massacre. Subsequently ADL exposed that this conspiracy theorist also has neo-Nazi ties.
Cartoons and Iranian-produced television shows were also shown as examples of how the Iranian government demonizes Jews and Israel, with “Zionists” often a code word for “Jews.” A television film shown at the end of Ramadan depicted a caricature “Zionist rabbi” teaching his grandson to kill Muslims according to the “Jewish Book of God.”
During his visit, Danny also participated in a presentation to the ADL Regional Board, From Tehran to Los Angeles, along with 30 Years After Executive Director Tabby Davoodi, and a briefing to a select group of local, state and national law enforcement personnel who deal with terrorism and extremism.
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