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ADL Statement on CA Hate Crime Report

  • July 2, 2020

Today’s release of 2019 hate crime statistics by the California Department of Justice offers a sobering recollection of the past year. The decline in reported hate crime events (4.8%) from 2018 is tempered by disturbing trends. Consistent with ADL’s Audit of Antisemitic incidents, anti-Jewish hate crimes increased nearly 12%, from 126 to 141 events. This included 165 Jewish individuals and properties targeted including Lori Gilbert Kaye, the sole reported hate crime death who was murdered during a mass shooting as Jews celebrated Passover at Chabad of Poway. Notwithstanding slight fluctuations, Blacks or African Americans, gay men, and Jews continue to be the most targeted groups in their respective categories of race, sexual orientation, and religion. Further, we remain worried about underreporting of hate crimes owing to, for instance, law enforcement oversight of bias motivation, or victim’s reluctance to report to law enforcement. In sum, hate crime remains a cause for concern for all Californians and should remain a top priority for elected leaders, law enforcement, and communities.