Blog Archives

Golfers Come out for 34th Annual ADL/El Caballero Tournament

ADL and El Caballero Country Club celebrated the 34th Annual ADL/El Cab Golf Tournament & Awards Dinner on Wednesday, September 13.  Ian Smith was honored with the Sam Saltsman Award for his leadership and commitment to ADL, El Caballero and the greater Jewish community.  In his remarks, Smith praised ADL for being the lead voice in media and for law

LA County Sheriff’s Captain Speaks at ADL/El Caballero Golf Tournament & Awards Dinner Kickoff Event

As a kickoff to the 33rd Annual ADL/El Caballero Country Club Golf Tournament & Awards Dinner being held September 14, more than 40 club members and guests attended an exclusive briefing by Captain Joseph Dempsey, of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Tournament Co-Chairs Alison Diamond and Ian Smith welcomed the group and introduced the 2016 tournament honorees: Alan Wiener

ADL/El Caballero Country Club Golf Tournament Kickoff- Learning About Counterterrorism From the Israeli Perspective

Join ADL and the El Cab community for dessert and coffee with a presentation by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Captain Joseph Dempsey, who will speak about recent terrorism here and in Israel. RSVP required. To confirm your attendance, please contact or (310) 446-4266.   This event was created in anticipation of the 2016 ADL/El Cab Golf Tournament and Awards

32nd Annual ADL/El Caballero Golf Tournament

Pictured: Honoree Anne Williams, Honoree Alison Diamond, ADL Regional Director Amanda Susskind ADL and El Caballero Country Club celebrated the 32nd Annual ADL/El Cab Golf Tournament & Awards Dinner on Wednesday, September 9.  Alison Diamond, the first woman to receive the Sam Saltsman Award, was honored for her leadership and commitment to ADL, El Caballero and the greater Jewish community.  In