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ADL Trains Federal Court Clerks about Sovereign Citizen Movement

On May 27th, ADL’s California Investigative Researcher Joanna Mendelson conducted the first of 10 cutting-edge training sessions on the growing sovereign citizen movement.  Organized by the United States Bankruptcy Court and the United States Marshals Office in California’s Central District, the ADL training seeks to educate federal court clerks on the ideology, tactics and pseudo-filings of this extremist movement.   The

ADL Trains Federal Judges about Sovereign Citizen Movement

California Investigative Researcher Joanna Mendelson provided a briefing on Sovereign Citizen ideology and criminal activities at the Riverside Federal Courthouse on February 21. The sovereign citizen movement is an extreme anti-government movement whose members believe the government has no authority over them. Attending the briefing were Federal Bankruptcy Court judges and court staff from throughout the Central District of California.  The Central