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Gala Spotlight Speakers Give ADL Testimonials

Pictured: Educator Rhea McIver Gibbs was one of the spotlight speakers at ADL Gala. A highlight of the ADL Annual Gala was a set of spotlight speakers – individuals who shared first-hand the impact of ADL programs and services. Here are excerpts from their prepared spotlight speeches: Duniya, an Afghani Muslim teen continuing her education in Los Angeles away from the

ADL Annual Gala Raises $1.1 million; Honors Dominic Ng and Dean Marks

Pictured:  Event co-chair Ivy Kagan Bierman, honoree Dean Marks, Regional Director Amanda Susskind, honoree Dominic Ng, Regional Board Chair Eric Kingsley, event co-chairs Harriet and Steven Nichols. Entering its second century with a theme of “ADL:  Now More Than Ever,” the Anti-Defamation League’s Pacific Southwest Region held its 2014 Annual Gala Celebration on December 9 before a crowd of over